Tulsa Cyber Camp 2024

Cybersecurity Camp for High School Students: July 8-12, 8:30am to 4:00pm

No Experience? No Problem!

Dive into the world of cybersecurity with no prior knowledge or experience needed. Whether you’re new to cyber security or programming, this camp is the perfect starting point.

Learn Cybersecurity Essentials

Explore critical cybersecurity concepts such as defense in depth, confidentiality, availability, and the mindset of an adversary.

Hands-On Learning

Engage in an activity-based program that covers network security, cyber ethics, cryptography, and introductory Python programming. Discover technology through a practical and interactive approach.

Fully Funded Opportunity

Thanks to the generous support of the Oklahoma Cyber Innovation Institute (OCII), attending the Tulsa Cyber Camp 2024 is completely free of charge. A unique chance to learn without financial worries.